What is CBD?
Cannabidiol, better known as "CBD", is one of over 113 identified cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. It's a naturally occurring compound and it has been linked to many therapeutic benefits.
Cannabis, the plant that CBD is derived from, is planted and harvested.
At Lake Country Growers we go to great lengths to use only the best farming practices to ensure we can provide the highest quality hemp. We plant by hand, weed by hand, and harvest by hand. We do this with you, our farm-ily, in mind.
This also means we don't take short cuts. We never use pesticides, fungicides, or herbicides (aka nasty chemicals).
Hemp vs. Marijuana
Hemp and marijuana are part of the cannabis family.
For our purposes, the main difference between hemp and marijuana is the THC content. THC is a psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis plants. When people refer to getting "high", it's the THC that's responsibile for it.
Hemp is federally legal and regulated to limit THC levels to less than 0.3%.
This minimal amount of THC is not enough to get you “high” when taken as suggested.
On the other hand, marijuana can have up to 25-30% THC content or more and is not federally legal.
At Lake Country Growers we carefully select our hemp plants to be low in THC, and some of our hemp products have the THC removed altogether.
Why Use CBD?
Sometimes, the answer is within us all along. At Lake Country Growers, we believe that’s the case when it comes to cannabinoids. Our bodies have a sophisticated ability to heal themselves. CBD harnesses this ability by allowing our naturally existing endocannabinoid system to flourish.
For those seeking a natural option to manage sleep challenges, anxiousness, pain, and a myriad of other ailments, CBD could be the answer.
How Does CBD Work?
The short answer: CBD works in partnership with your body's endocannabinoid system (ECS).
Your ECS is responsibile for keeping your body and mind balanced and stable. To do this, it has neuron receptors all over your body (see the image below).
The cannabinoids found in hemp work with the ECS receptors, specifically the CB1 and CBD2 receptors. This has the potential to improve the way your body feels by promoting lasting relief, comfort, and relaxation.
Research continues to show the many possibilites that CBD may have to reduce pain, soothe anxiousness, and promote a more peaceful, more enjoyable life.

Additional Resources
Curious About CBD?
Honest answers to common CBD-related questions