Discover which Gold Leaf Collection products are right for you

Discover which products are right for you

The real expert in your CBD routine is you. CBD doesn’t have the same effects on every person. Finding your ideal intake is the best way to maximize the benefits.

CBD Oil dosing guide Wisconsin Lake Country Growers
A tincture is extract from the floral material of the hemp plant. Using a tincture sublingually or under your tongue may seem intimidating at first. Simply, drop the oil under your tongue and hold it there for 1-2 minutes before swallowing. The capilliaries under your tongue will rapidly absorb the CBD oil making it one of the quickest delivery mechanisms for using cannabindoids.
How much to take?
CBD effectiveness can be impacted by various factors, including your height, weight, and what ails you. Age and metabolism will also play a role in determining your ideal CBD routine. 
Start with a small amount, around 15-30mg, then gradually increase your daily serving size until you experience the results you’re looking for. Scienetists believe CBD is more effective when used daily.
Wisconsin grown CBD oil Lake Country Growers
Topical CBD helps relieve aches and pains
Topically Applied
Topically applied CBD is formulated to be absorbed through the top layer of the skin. This means it won’t reach your bloodstream, and you can find peace knowing  there won’t be psychotropic effects. We recommend gradually adjusting your CBD application until you feel your desired results. Most people feel the benefits of 1-2 applications per day.
Benefits of topical CBD
Achy joints, inflammation, sore muscles, muscle recovery, tension head aches, migranes, acne, psorasis, excema, are just a few ailments that can benefit from the use of topical CBD.
Gold Leaf Collection CBD infused bath soak 500mg
Gold Leaf Collection CBD infused gummies 300mg per bottle
CBD gummies are a fun and convenient way to consume your daily CBD. Before absorption, CBD in dietary forms must be broken down by the digestive system and metabolized by the liver. This process takes several hours therefore making orally ingested CBD a less desirebale option for immediate relief.
Easy, peezy!
Gummies are a popular choice. They are loved by all, especially children. They can easily be added to a morning routine which aids in consistancy. With each gummy containing 10mg of CBD it makes dosing a breeze. 
Gold Leaf Collection CBD rich gummies 10mg per gummy
Gold Leaf Collection smokable hemp flower aids in relaxation
Inhalation is the quickest delivery method. Aniexty, pain, and over all sensation of calm are often reasons why people choose inhalation over other delievery methods.
(Cherry Wine + Berry Blossom)
Organically grown hemp is the base of our Gold Leaf Collection products. At Lake Country Growers we pride ourselves in growing a top quality flower. Whether you are a seasoned smoker or a first time user we have you covered. Select from the hemp buds or pre-rolls.
Gold Leaf Collection smokable organic hemp flower pre-rolls 60mg per roll