Back to School: How to Help Kids Transition from Summer Fun to School Routines

Back to School: How to Help Kids Transition from Summer Fun to School Routines

Madison Williams on Aug 16th 2022

Back-to-school season is in full swing, which means parents and children are juggling the realities of this seasonal transition. Parents may feel elated about their kids getting out of the house and back to normalcy. On the other hand, kids may experience a mix of excitement, anticipation and anxiety about this new chapter in their lives.

Every parent wants their child to have a positive school experience, but it’s not always easy to put a pep in their step about summer’s end. That is why every parent deserves reliable school preparation tips to lean on during this time of year.

Luckily, the Lake Country Growers ‘Farmily’ put together the ultimate back-to-school prep guide to help you along the way. Keep reading for 7 essential tips for a smooth back-to-school transition.

#1. Jumpstart Sleep/Meal Schedules a Week Early

The best time to implement routines is when stress is at an all-time low, usually during the tail-end of summer or syllabus week. Kids are used to having summer flexibility of staying up later and taking naps at their discretion. Slowly adjust your children to waking up earlier, eating breakfast and getting ready for the day ahead. Depending on the age of your child, this transition may be easier or harder.

For instance, little ones that have been in camp all summer may transition better than your night owl pre-teen. Identify your child’s needs and create a schedule that provides ample time for re-adjustment. Make sure they get all their energy out during the day so that nighttime relaxation happens naturally.

#2. Get Kids Excited About School Starting

Some kids are naturally excited about seeing their friends and getting back into routines. However, there are plenty of children that dread going back to school; maybe they don’t know what to expect or are worried about an overwhelming schedule. Simple activities like back-to-school shopping or meal planning for lunches can get kids excited about school.

Once they receive their schedule, take time to sit down and reflect on their goals for the year ahead. These small actions can reframe their perspective to feel positive and enthusiastic about school starting.

#3. Set Expectations About Daily Routines

Start conversations with your kids about what to expect once school starts. This can include responsibilities, homework, chores, screen time restrictions and more. Many kids get overwhelmed by the anticipation of school and new beginnings. Try not to catch them off guard with anything, instead make your expectations clear.

Create a collaborative space where you can share your expectations for them and vice versa. If they feel informed about the changes that come with school, they are more likely to react positively.

#4. Discuss Your Child’s Academic, Social and Emotional Strengths/Weaknesses

Take some time to explore the academic, social and emotional strengths and weaknesses of each of your kids. Not every child is exceptional at academics, which can lead to  self-doubt and low self-esteem. It’s important to help them identify the areas where they struggle and excel.

Grade school comes with a lot of comparisons, and kids can feel not good enough simply because they don’t succeed in every academic area. Maybe they are amazing at art, sports, or a specific subject. Embrace their academic and non-academic strengths and draw attention to them. This helps kids develop a sense of pride and awareness about their strengths.

We always strive to reward a hard work ethic, while prioritizing playfulness in school-age kids. This is a time when they should learn that perfection is unattainable, and effort is worth rewarding.

#5. Create a Designated Time/Place For Homework

Kids thrive off structure even if they don’t see it that way themselves. Designate a special place in your home where they can complete homework every day. This helps kids get into the zone and get work done with minimal distractions. After their homework is finished, they’ll look forward to playing in their room or winding down in another area of the house.

#6. Encourage Kids to Get Involved and Discover New Interests

Another way to get kids excited about school is to support them in new activities, hobbies and interests. Once they go back to classes, they might meet new friends and experiment with new activities. During the first few weeks of school, start conversations about the classes they are taking, people they are meeting, and after-school hobbies they may want to try out.

If your child shows an interest in anything, encourage them to give it a shot. It’s beneficial to remind kids that school isn’t about grades alone. Extracurricular activities are another way to restore a sense of school-life balance for your children.

#7. Curate a Stress-Management Toolbox

In the same way that parents get stressed, so do our kids, and it’s easy to lose sight of the struggles young people experience every day. Identify what areas of school/life cause stress for your child. Maybe they get test anxiety or are nervous about bonding with new classmates. Whatever it may be, curate a stress-management toolbox to help them during these times.

In our homes, Broad Spectrum THC-Free CBD Gummies are a family favorite. They help relieve stress and anxiety in little ones, meanwhile passing as a tasty treat. If your child has a favorite movie or comfort meal, take note of these things before school starts.

In order to stay proactive against stress, create a list of healthy coping mechanisms that can be used throughout the school year. This is also a great opportunity to teach your child how to problem solve and identify where their emotions are coming from.

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Lake Country Growers is a family-owned business that’s passionate about supporting parents and kids on their journeys. Back-to-school season can be a busy time, but it’s also an opportunity for growth and excitement about the new year ahead. We’re here to support you every step of the way.

If you are looking for back-to-school CBD for kids, or some helpful stress-relievers to support you through parenthood, check out our wide variety of legal hemp products right here

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