Interview With LCG Founders: Part Two With Moe Lawrenz

Interview With LCG Founders: Part Two With Moe Lawrenz

Madison Williams on Dec 22nd 2022

Before we jump into today’s blog, we hope that all of you had a lovely holiday with your family. Whether you are on vacation or back to work, we want our LCG community to know just how important they are to us! Last week, you may have read our founding feature blog on Rebecca Ramage, one-half of Lake Country Growers. If you haven’t checked it, you can find it right here!

In this article, we will focus on co-founder Moe Lawrenz and share some of her interview answers with you all. Keep reading to learn more about Moe’s journey as a business owner, wife, and mother.

Q and A With Co-Founder Moe Lawrenz

Q: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? Has this influenced your lifestyle today? If so, how?

A: I wanted to be a realtor, a teacher, or work as a clerk at the grocery store. There are definitely aspects of each profession that overlap with the work I do today. I absolutely love to sell things that I’m passionate about, especially when it comes to homeownership

I also have a college degree in teaching, and today I find that I spend most of my time teaching/coaching others. When it’s not my clients, customers, employees, or friends, it’s my kids! Working in the hemp industry has definitely given me an outlet for this as well, which has been very rewarding.

Q: What are your biggest values in life?

A: My biggest values in life are authenticity and forgiveness. Every day I’m grateful for the forgiveness I receive from my Lord. For me, it’s highly important to forgive others because we are all human, and we make mistakes. I’m a very forgiving person. I also hold authenticity in high regard.

It’s very important that when I interact with people, they get the real version of me. I appreciate it when others are authentic because it makes it so much easier to build relationships. Anyone with more than a 10-minute conversation with me will typically understand who I am. I let it ALL OUT.

Q: If you could only give your children one piece of advice, what would it be?

A: I would definitely tell them to stay close to Jesus and lean on him daily. It’s really the only thing that matters on this side of eternity.

Q: What does a day in your life look like?

A: Every day, I have a list of non-negotiables I have to get done. This includes working out, spending time with my husband, having devotional time, and getting the kids out the door for school. During the day, I work on tasks for LCG and my financial coaching work with St. Marcus.

In the evenings, I’ll drive my kids to and from sports practice and attend any sports game they may have going on. We eat dinner together every night by candlelight, it’s become our tradition at this point. I will wrap up my night with household chores and connecting with a friend. This is pretty standard during the week, and on the weekends, we will usually do work around the house.

Q: How do you balance being a wife, mom, and business owner?

A: I think it’s hard for any working mom to have a well-balanced life. I think the first step to being sane is realizing that it won’t ever be perfectly balanced. At the end of the day, I know that everything will get taken care of, although a few things will fall through the crack, which is okay! Mistakes will happen. I do my best to avoid making mistakes but always show myself grace when they happen.

Q: What is the most rewarding aspect of the work you do?

A: I love that every day I get to help people. I get to help people, whether I’m working my job at St Marcus or helping people with their wellness through Lake Country Growers. I love people, and helping people makes me so happy.

Q: How do you stay productive on days when you feel burnt out?

A: To be honest, I wake up every day with a HUGE bundle of energy. I love the mornings. Sometimes I wake up at 3:30 or 4:00 am, and I just get going on my to-do list. Every day brings a LOT of things to get done, so I don’t have any time to waste.

I know that when I’m wasting time, I’m throwing away family time. I do not watch TV at all. In fact, I don’t even know how to turn my TV on or find a show. The LCG THCV is instrumental in my efficiency. I struggle with ADHD, so things fly in and out of my mind so quickly.

I always have a running to-do list for the day and for the week. When something comes into my brain that I have to do, I immediately drop that item on my to-do list, or I send myself an email. This ensures that everything gets done in all areas of my life, including my job at St Marcus, my LCG work, and my work as a mom and wife. I get so much satisfaction watching things get checked off my to-do list as the week goes by.

Q: What are your three guilty pleasures in life?

A: My three guilty pleasures are definitely pizza, wings, and falling asleep by the fire. I absolutely love eating good food with great friends and family.

Q: What are your aspirations for the future?

A: Well, to be honest, I don’t have huge aspirations for the future. I’m very content with my life. I love my family and my friends. My aspirations are really to spend more time with my friends and family and to be as helpful to them as I possibly can. Oh, and I want to go on vacation. I’ve worked so much over the last several years, using my vacation time to work and finish projects. I want to be done with that. I want to take time to enjoy God’s creation and explore the world with my friends and family as much as possible.

Q: How do you and Rebecca maintain a healthy working relationship? Has it always been naturally easy to be co-founders?

A: Surprisingly, we haven’t had many issues working together. I think we work really well together. My husband jokes that we can finish each other’s sentences. We have so much in common in our core values that it makes working together easy. We are also very diverse in our skill set.

I have 100% trust in her sales and marketing approach, and she trusts me with the business finances. Trust and great communication are the baselines of our success as business partners. Our relationship has always been easy and natural, so we felt confident moving forward as business partners.

Thanks For Being a Part of Our LCG Farmily in 2022!

We hope this Q and A gave you more insight into co-founder Moe! If you haven’t already, make sure to check out part one with Rebecca. Since the new year is right around the corner, we wanted to thank all of you for being a part of our community. We hope you stick around for everything we have coming up in 2023!

If you want to pick up some hemp essentials for the New Year, make sure to browse our wide selection on our online CBD store!