The Benefits of CBD for Pets: Featuring Your Furry Friends!

The Benefits of CBD for Pets: Featuring Your Furry Friends!

Madison Williams on Nov 17th 2022

If you are an animal lover, you understand just how sacred our furry friends are to us! We know many of you have pets of your own, and over the years, you’ve gotten to know their quirks and unique personalities. Similar to humans, dogs and cats experience anxiety and discomfort from a variety of environmental triggers. CBD for pets is a great way to soothe their symptoms and help your furry children feel their best every day.

In this blog, we wanted to touch on the science behind CBD for pets and how it may benefit your dogs or cats. Keep reading to see some of your very own furry friends (and their quirks) featured along the way!

CBD For Pets: Benefits, Safety and Science

Quirk: Master escape artist with high anxiety

In the field of CBD for pets, research is still growing, but there are countless studies that have revealed positive benefits. According to the American Kennel Club, there are over 23,000 published papers on the effects of CBD on laboratory animals and humans. Researchers found a promising connection between CBD and pain relief, anxiety reduction, anti-cancer properties and more.

Quirk: Will inspect everything in the trash can (and cry when it’s tuna)

Although THC can be toxic for dogs and cats when prescribed at human dosages, the only CBD side effects that have been documented are diarrhea and some digestion changes with continuous use. If your pet is currently on medication, make sure to check with your veterinarian before adding CBD into their routine.

CBD is safe for pets, however, it has not been tested in combination with a variety of prescription drugs. We want you to help your furry friend find relief, but make sure to be their own advocate by doing research ahead of time.


A study from Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine revealed that dogs experienced a decrease in arthritic pain and an increase in quality of life when administered two doses of CBD a day. Some of the pet owners that took place in the study were considering putting their dogs down due to their pain and inability to walk. After regular CBD supplementation, their furry friends reclaimed their ability to get around without signs of pain or struggle.

Quirk: Must be with mom at all times


A study out of Australia found that CBD reduced itchiness and skin inflammation by over 51% after eight weeks of treatment. Research continues to reveal that CBD may help relieve skin issues and itchiness that may interfere with your dog's quality of life.


Many anecdotal stories from veterinarians have revealed that CBD shrunk or entirely eradicated cancer cells, helping dogs go into remission. Additionally, a Cornell University study found that CBD supplementation alongside chemotherapy treatment reduced cancer cells significantly. Dogs that received both CBD and chemotherapy had a better end-of-treatment diagnosis than those that received chemotherapy alone.

Quirk: Obsessive toy lover


Behavioral concerns are some of the most common for pet parents. Whether your dog struggles with anxiety, aggression or sleep issues, research continues to reveal the positive benefits of CBD. Currently, the majority of success stories are anecdotal and there are minimal formal studies on the anti-anxiety effects of CBD for pets.

However, a 2021 study found that CBD helped reduce aggression in shelter dogs, which signals that CBD treatment could be beneficial for anxiety, nervousness, and stress that many dogs experience in foreign environments. Many of our LCG customers have reported positive anti-anxiety benefits for their dogs that struggle with noise, storms, separation anxiety, travel or greeting new people.


A Colorado State University study discovered that dogs given THC-free CBD for 12 weeks experienced 33% fewer seizures. The promising benefits of this study have led researchers to conduct a larger case study with higher doses of CBD. As more research comes out about the therapeutic properties of hemp, we predict there will be an even larger widespread usage of pet CBD products.

Quirk: Has chronic skin and protective issues but always finds the best nap spot

CBD continues to be studied for the following applications and potential benefits:

  • -Digestion issues and nausea
  • -Anxiety and restlessness
  • -Joint and mobility pain
  • -Pain and inflammation
  • -Aging
  • -Heart disease and circulatory issues
  • -Skin and allergies
  • -Infectious diseases

Things to Keep in Mind When Considering CBD For Pets

Quirk: Funny sleep positions

Before diving into CBD dosage for pets, we want to discuss just how important it is to purchase pet-specific CBD products. Here at LCG, we sell CBD dog treats and CBD pet tinctures. Both products are produced for maximum safety and efficacy for animals. We never recommend giving animals a random CBD product, so make sure to choose the right formulation for your furry friend.

Additionally, we wanted to touch on the fact that CBD and hemp is still an evolving industry. Currently, there are many vets that aren’t permitted to discuss and recommend CBD products due to the nature of the market. Although they may support the use of CBD for pets, they could lose their license by addressing these substances. If you run into this issue, we recommend doing your own research to decide if CBD is right for your pet.

What Is the Best CBD Dosage for My Pets?


Liquid CBD products have a more rapid effect. They may be metabolized quickly by your pet, so consider administering them 20-40 minutes before you want the effect to kick in. You can drop CBD directly into your dog's mouth, or mix it into their food.

  • If your pet is under 20 pounds, we recommend administering 2-3 drops of CBD 3-4 times a day.
  • If your pet is over 20 pounds, we recommend administering 3-4 drops of CBD 3-4 times a day.
  • Pay attention to how your dog reacts and adjust dosage accordingly.

Dog Treats

Our CBD dog treats are full of organic ingredients and 2mg of CBD per treat. Dosage is calculated by your dog’s weight, so make sure to use the recommendations below when treating your furry friend.

  • If your dog is under 17lb, we recommend one treat per day.
  • If your dog is between 17 lb and 34lb, we recommend 1-2 treats per day.
  • If your dog is between 35 lbs and 51 lbs, we recommend 2-3 treats per day.
  • If your dog is over 51 lbs, we recommend 3-4 treats per day.

Shop Our New Holiday Santa Paws Bundle With a FREE Bandana

Quirk: Expert napper

Animals are some of the greatest gifts in life, and they are an integral part of our FARMILY. We hope this blog helped you understand more about the benefits of CBD for pets. We encourage you to dive deeper into the research if you think CBD could help improve your pet's quality of life or recurring symptoms. We also wanted to thank everyone that sent in a photo of their pet, alongside their quirks!

If you want to celebrate your pet, consider picking up our new Santa Paws holiday bundle that comes with a FREE custom pet bandana. Shop legal CBD for pets online today at Lake Country Growers!