Meet the LCG Team and Explore Our Staff Favorites

Meet the LCG Team and Explore Our Staff Favorites

Madison Williams on Aug 28th 2022

We love our community here at Lake Country Growers, which is why we wanted to introduce our team on a more personal level. In this article, we’re going to share some fun facts about our team members, their essential products and how they use them every day.

Whether you’re a newcomer to our company, or already have some favorite products of your own, we hope you gain insight into the versatility and benefits of legal hemp products in Wisconsin.

Keep reading to learn more about us, and gain some inspiration along the way about Lake Country Growers products to try out—-including CBD essentials, Delta-8, Delta-9 and more!

The Lake Country Growers Farmily — Team Bios and Top Picks

Rebecca Ramage - Co-founder

Rebecca is a 44-year-old self-proclaimed ‘hot mess mom’ and co-founder here at Lake Country Growers. She enjoys exercising, especially if it includes Les Mills Body Combat, a high-energy workout inspired by martial arts moves. Rebecca’s an avid admirer of Dahlia flowers and enjoys using her green thumb to tend to the land. Oftentimes, you’ll find Rebecca at her kids’ Lacrosse games or out ringing cowbells every chance she gets.

Her favorite post-workout product is the  High-Intensity Relief Stick, perfect for soothing workout aches and pains. She regularly takes the Cucumber Melon 1500mg CBD tincture to reduce inflammation and ward off her knee pain flare-ups. When she works overnights at her other job, Rebecca uses Delta-8 gummies to fall asleep. It’s an absolute must-have to help her stay asleep and wake up feeling refreshed.

Moe Lawrenz - Co-founder

Moe is a co-founder at Lake Country Growers, but she also wears many hats in her everyday life. As a mother of four kids, she spends this busy season organizing school registrations, doctor appointments and sports schedules. Additionally, Moe works at a non-profit offering financial and life coaching to women working towards big life goals. As if that’s not enough, she is currently the general contractor for her new home build.

Since she has so many pressing projects on her plate, Moe enjoys using  THCV gummies to stay focused and productive. When TCHV is boosting her system, she is able to get everything done on her to-do list. This is her go-to essential when she needs to stay on track and see projects thru to completion. When she wants to manage stress and support mental wellness, Moe relies on the Maraschino Cherry 50mg full spectrum CBD gummies.

Jill Sullivan - Retail Coordinator

Jill is a mountain girl at heart and feels connected to all things when she’s surrounded by Mother Earth’s grandeur. She is a keeper of an urban jungle, as she likes to call it, and enjoys digging in the dirt whenever she gets a chance. Jill is passionate about helping people feel better in their mind, body and spirit.

She enjoys the  Hemp Smokables which elevate her off the ground with a smile and prepare her for restful sleep. Further, Jill uses our Delta-8 gummies to keep her sleeping through the night. Upon the first onset of any throbbing joint pains, she uses the Relief Stick to soothe any flare-ups.

Jill uses the Cucumber Melon 1500mg CBD Tincture to take the edge off when feelings of overwhelm and anxiety arise. She finds that it’s a great replacement for Aleve! Jill is also a dog mom to a handsome husky who enjoys our  CBD dog tincture, perfect for calming anxiety during fireworks season.

Bobbi Gamaché-Arnold - Operations Coordinator

Bobbi is the Operations Coordinator here at Lake Country Growers, but she’s also known as a horse lover, farm girl and big nerd. She uses  Delta-8 products to deepen her yin-yoga practice and shut off the chatter in her mind. Our gummies help her sink into a state of relaxation and presence in her body. When she wants to totally zen out, Bobbi uses Delta-9 to disconnect and unwind.  Delta-9 gummies help her slip into a deep sleep that lasts all night long.

Enjoy Legal CBD, Delta-8, Delta-9 and THCV Products From Lake Country Growers

Here at Lake Country Growers, we’re all about farming and family. We use our products to enhance our lives every day and we’re on a mission to give customers and collaborators that same gift. Looking for pleasure, relaxation, focus, restful sleep, joint relief or more? We create products that help you thrive, with ingredients and production methods you can feel good about.

Shop our recommendations or pick up some of your favorite legal hemp products in Wisconsin online today,  exclusively at Lake Country Growers!